Wednesday 14 January 2009

Amsterdam and Utrecht


I survived my plane ride over, but by the time I made it to the Hostel everyone was just chilling and watching movies for the rest of the night (Silence of the Lambs). So with my first night in Amsterdam I walked around the city a bit, got kind of lost and annoyed a lot of bus drivers, tram drivers and people at information desks, and pretty much everyone who would listen for directions and ate a can of Pringles because all of the surrounding restaurants were closed (Sour Cream & Onion Rice Infusions). I got in at night, but even with the low visibility in my loopy state I realized how beautiful the city was. Not gonna lie, it's a very weird/very cool feeling getting out of the country for the first time. I was so out of it from flying all day and arriving at night that I pretty much just went to bed. I managed to leave all of my valuable stuff in a locker at the airport and I just brought a small travel bag with me to the Hostel. My roommates are from South Africa, thought you should know.

My first full day in Europe I went to the Van Gogh Museum and it was absolutely amazing. I understand so much more about art after going to that exhibit. When I studied a lot of his paintings in art history they really didn't impress me that much, but seeing them in person was a completely different story. In addition to the artistic lines that give the perception of depth, the depth of the image is enhanced by the layering of paint which makes certain parts of the image stand physically closer to you than others. I never really understood why painted skies were so beautiful until that exhibit. The sky is anything but still, it is alive, dancing. It's like a circus and I just kept wondering how someone could look at the same sky I do I see that. Anyway, the city is really pretty. Everything is brick and there are over one thousand bridges. It reminds me of a prettier version of Boston! The cold is really not that bad, I'm actually really enjoying it so far. The red light district was an absolute trip. The girls are dressed up like Barbie dolls in red fringed windows. Some motion towards you (this prostitute smiled at me then banged on the glass as I walked by), but others could care less (a few were just talking on their cell phones and one just keep hoping up and down like it was cold while smoking a cigarette. Just gong to throw it out there, I didn't sleep with a prostitute and I didn't get into any trouble. No one is allowed to take any pictures of the district, but I took plenty of pictures of the city while I walked around during the day


On my third day in town I went to the Rijik museum and checked out some Rembrant's (including his famous work the Nightwatch) and some really cool Dutch Still Life paintings. Now I'm in Utretcht and I've moved into my room for the next two weeks. I have another orientation early in the morning tomorrow so I'm to leave it at that.


The program is going well. It’s much nicer over here with people in the same program. It’s easier to make friends. Roaming around Amsterdam on my lonesome was a good experience but I'm glad I have a crew now. Everyone I met so far is really nice and having Albie here makes the transition a lot easier.

I had six hours of class yesterday! I'm pretty sure I have at least another 4 today and I'm taking a short break from my reading to write this message. I was hoping I could just mess around during the entire immersion program, but I'm actually getting letter grade units for this. That means that have to take this kind of seriously, very unfortunate.

Utrecht is a beautiful city. The buildings vary more than the ones in Amsterdam, but not by that much. I went on a town tour the other day and learned all about the saint protecting the city and the history of the fatty church in the center. I’m really glad I had the opportunity to live here for a couple of weeks, but I’m ready to move on to Maastricht. Also, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic will be a sweet trip!